2020-2021 1st District 2-A2 Cabinet Meeting
District 2-A2 First Cabinet Meeting
Texas Lions Camp, Kerrville, TX
July 18, 2020
Our first cabinet meeting of 2020-2021 will take place as follows:
Date – Saturday July 18, 2020
Time – 8:30am – 11:00am
Virtual Meeting Room – https://district2a2.globalmeet.com/1stcabinetmeeting
We begin our new Lions Year in a new way, by meeting virtually. Our State and each of our communities faces the challenge of COVID-19. We will follow Governor Abbott’s order limiting face-to-face gatherings to no more than 10 by meeting in our Global Meet virtual meeting room. The good news is that you’ll save gasoline by not driving to the meeting, everyone has a great view of the slides, you can adjust the volume to suit your interest, you can enjoy brunch while we meet, there will be no lines at the bathroom, and you can wear your shorts if you’re so inclined (of course PDG John Cole always wears shorts). We will also record the meeting and post it on your district website for your review.
Practice Connecting
Since this is still a new experience for many, our Information Technology Chair, Lion Floyd Daigle, has scheduled several opportunities for you to practice your computer skills connecting to our virtual meeting room. Please see the schedule of times that Lion Floyd will be online to welcome you and troubleshoot any glitches.
Practice Meetings
Monday, July 13, 2020
If you have any issues connecting or have questions please contact Lion Floyd Daigle > lionfloyd@district2a2.org
Look for our meeting agenda and reports here by Thursday evening July 16, 2020.
DG David Splitek